Sonntag, Februar 26, 2006

Played basketball with the Germans today. It was a little frustrating. It was elementary school chaos. Chockfull of traveling and double dribbling. This one girl almost tackled me. I mean, I don't know the official NBA rules like the back of my hand but I'm positive there's no tackling. Well, it's not their game so I can't get too upset. My middle finger is jammed. It hurts to type. =/

I just read the previous paragraph and it had all kinds of mistakes. My english just gets worse and worse every day...

This morning Vivian and I went to McDonald's. We got Happy Meals, kangaroo keychains, a comic and a flag. The guy who rang us up was really cool so Vivian took it upon herself to tell him that he was very beautiful in German. I was feeling pretty out of it prior to the Happy Meal. Then I was on a Happy Meal high. That all came crashing down after basketball. =/

Here is a picture I took outside of my window. I'M TIRED OF THE FUCKING SNOW.

I strongly recommend the Mad TV Laguna Beach spoof on YouTube.

Mittwoch, Februar 22, 2006

I'm tired. I've been annoying Cindy, Vivian and Kate with that sentence all day. Last night was Michele's birthday party which was indeed fun. We all definitely had our fair share to drink. I don't even remember any of the drinks being non-alcoholic. We played two games of King's Cup and one of the rules was to say "pussy" every time after you spoke. Needless to say, it got out of control. Cindy, who wasn't even playing, started saying pussy after every time she spoke. haha

Some of the shit people talk about when they're drunk can be so nuts sometimes. I left the party hearing things like, "I'll show you my bible!" and "That's why the Holocaust occurred..." o_O I don't have the brain capacity to discuss such things while fully inebriated.

Andrey was drinking Jungle Juice like it was water. Fortunately, he said he only had a little hangover the next morning. I watched myself with the Junge Juice because I saw Michele make it and just pour bottle after bottle of vodka in it. Four half liters of beer and two cups of Jungle Juice really did it for me and now here I am disgustingly tired.


Sonntag, Februar 19, 2006

And this is why Australia is my favorite country.

Heath Ledger, Russell Crowe

"Adventure" is your middle

name, and a rugged Australian guy is just the

person to give it to you. Sure, the

relationship is important, but you love the

thrill of the chase just as much. Toying with

them, playing hard-to-get, throwing yourself

at them - there are so many different ways to

go! And once in the relationship itself,

there's never a dull moment. You need that

spice in your life and if a guy can't give it

to you, you're gone, off to meet a new

potential suitor at the local rock climbing

wall or bungee jumping team.

Which Nationality of Guy Should You Date?
brought to you by Quizilla

Samstag, Februar 18, 2006

Facebook has this new thing called Social Timeline and according to them 2005 was a very lonesome year for me.

Free Image Hosting at

Last year was a complete figment of my imagination. All my blogs from last year- 100% fiction. I am indeed in Germany but up until January 1st of this year, I used hand signals and notes to get by. Everyone in EAP didn't know I could speak until this year. If they had only referred to my social timeline on Facebook, any misconceptions would've been easily cleared up.

Donnerstag, Februar 16, 2006

No More Binge Drinking

I got this e-mail from my mom awhile ago...

Hi Janelle!
I saw your pictures already and they're nice........How are you now? I hope you're doing alright. I was sick for three days because it was raining non stop and I had to wake up early to go to work and I got wet. I ate chicken rice arrozcaldo for dinner. I saw one of your pictures and you're drinking a big bottle of wine. I hope you don't drink very often cuz it's not good to be drunk. Youll never know what will happen to you once you are drunk. OK I hope you are taking good care of yourself and please Janelle, no more binge drinking. I have to go because Im not feeling too well. I have to rest so that I can go to work on Tuesday. ok bye bye.

p.s. please don't forget to use protection.

Oh mom, I DEFINITELY know what happens once I'm drunk. I'm really sad she won't be able to come visit me but she said we'd go when I graduate from Davis. I would, however, rather get a Mini Cooper...

Anyway, last year Gina and I entered a photo contest where we had to incorporate a mannequin hand. Here are the two pictures we submitted.

Unfortunately, we didn't win. =(

Mittwoch, Februar 15, 2006

Happy belated Valentine's Day everybody! This year I had the pleasure of having Miss Vivian Kiss as my valentine. Sure, I kinda forced her into it since really, her boyfriend should be her valentine but we still had a fun day nonetheless. We ran some errands around the city, found the equivalent of an American pizza joint and made chocolate covered strawberries. We were gonna spring for some champagne to complement the chocolate covered strawberries but the stock guy was in the same aisle and had never heard of deodorant before. The stench was so unbearable that we opted for coke instead.

I don't mean to brag, but they came out AWESOME. Unlike the U.S., it's hard to get any type of fruit you want during any given season. It was a miracle that MiniMal actually had strawberries. I didn't wanna invest in something that didn't taste good so I told Vivian to eat a strawberry from one of the open packages. Sure it was unwashed and probably touched by numerous hands before but she just rolls through like that. We also tried to ask the people at the supermarket if they had any leftover styrofoam which was an adventure in and of itself. Of course, we didn't know the word for styrofoam in German so we tried to explain the uses of it in German. I was trying to describe how it holds china together in boxes and Vivian starts talking about how styrofoam balls are used to make replicas of the solar system. Thoroughly confused, the clerk gets someone who speaks english. Then we find a box of china and Vivian goes, "Right here! In THIS box there is styrofoam that is helping to prevent the china from breaking! AS WE SPEAK!" All of our efforts to get scrap styrofoam were to no avail. We ended up taking some box out of the chocolate aisle which worked just as well as you can see above.

We also had dinner with Michele, Kate and Jennifer. I kinda cut it short though because I had taken Benadryl earlier and it was REALLY kicking in. I wanted to knock out then and there. After dinner I took a fat nap and then hung out with Amos for a little bit. I'm starting to resent that he makes fun of my English. WHO IS THE NATIVE SPEAKER HERE?

Oh yeah, one more thing. I really hate when people say, "I could care less." THAT'S NOT THE RIGHT EXPRESSION. It's "I couldn't care less." which means that you are as far from caring as possible. If you say you could care less, you're implying that you have at least an inkling of concern. And that ladies and gentlemen, is my English lesson of the day.

Sonntag, Februar 12, 2006

Do Not Drink and Text

I just read an article with Texting tips for Valentine's Day. If you need tips on how to text message someone, you really need to take a step back and reassess your social skills. But hey, that's just my personal, professional opinion. Anyway, here are the tips!

With loved-up texters getting ready for the big day, dot mobile has come up with a few tips:

-- Keep flirty messages short.

-- Observe the two-day rule: get in touch after meeting someone within two days, no longer.

-- Do not drink and text.

-- Avoid over-use of emoticons and jargon.

-- "Xs" at the end of messages should not exceed three.

-- Be careful about picture messaging which others may get their hands on.

-- Adhere to the two text rule; Admit defeat if you have not received a reply after 12 hours and two texts.

The Devil Finds Work for Idle Hands

Last night was Kai's going away party. Like Vivian said, it was the first time that Germans took over the party and kicked the Americans outside. You can't really tell but this is them doing the Chicken Dance. There was one guy who was just having a ball. I'd go so far as to say he's the German Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bel Air. He had the moves man. VERY IMPRESSIVE.

Last Friday, Vivian, Michele and I saw our first graduation ceremony. One of Vivian's floormates from Cambodia just got his PhD in the school of agriculture so we decided to check it out. It's a tradition to go to this statue in the middle of the city called the Gänseliesl, climb up it, give it a flower and kiss it. Little did we know that in the midst of these graduates' glory, family, friends and fellow classmates chuck water balloons at them. As if it isn't difficult enough to climb up the statue, let's add some spice in the form of water balloons. It was quite hilarious to watch until some girl who caught one while at the statue decided to throw one at us. It's a shame I won't be able to graduate here. I wanna kiss the Gänseliesl and dodge water balloons too!

The Gänseliesl

Anyway, as for the title of my blog, it's SO TRUE. Since the semester is over, there isn't much to do but cause mischief and partake in drunken debauchery. I mentioned in one of my previous blogs that my neighbors had sex in the shower stall next to me. Well, it happened to me two other times and I was FURIOUS. We were going to have a floor meeting and I was ready to give these people a piece of my mind. It turned out that Vivian and Cindy decided to pull a little prank on me and go into the shower while I was there and moan. I really gotta give it to them. They really had me going. Upon reflection, it all makes sense because I never heard a guy and one time when I was complaining to Vivian, she just couldn't stop laughing. I kept thinking, "This ho obviously doesn't care about friendship! She finds the misfortune in my life funny! What the fuck?!"

At night I play a bunch of slow songs before I go to sleep and Vivian decided that it would be funny to add Hyphy to my mix without telling me. I didn't notice it at night because it was one of the last songs so I was already sleeping but in the morning the mix re-shuffled and I heard it. I was like, "Why did I add Hyphy to my mix?" I was really confused but didn't think much of it. Then I noticed that it was on every playlist on my iTunes but still thought that I had just made some weird mistake. Oh Vivian, you just wait and see what I have planned for you...

Last Friday Vivian and I made up for not partying Thursday night with everyone else by buying the cheapest Vodka at the gas station, Coke, Pringles and Viennetta. It was the first time that Vivian got plastered in awhile so it was definitely a sight to see. Vivian is probably by far my favorite drunk. Cindy comes in at a close second with her speaking in third person. I, however, am a pretty boring drunk. People can't even notice that I'm drunk.

Wednesday we had Jello and Tequila shots and once again got pretty tanked. I didn't really think I was that drunk because I wasn't riding the couch or emulating a bull fight like my cronies. After that we went to Savoy, the biggest club in Göttingen. It was pretty fun. Bad music though... as always. I think I'm going to make a vow to only go to clubs when the theme is Black Music Night.

We got home at 5am and apparently, I was a lot drunker than I thought. Horniness is exponentially tied to alcohol consumption. As if I'm not horny enough sober. Anyway, my sincerest apologies to Cindy, Vivian and Michele for being MIA during our breakfast binge and not letting them know about my whereabouts the next day.

Karma actually bit me in the ass last night. Amos was supposed to come over and was text messaging me up a storm and then just stopped all of the sudden. I'm not sure what happened to him but he's a big boy and I'm sure he's fine. But I don't deserve to worry about him like that. Hopefully he's not dead. That way, I can be the one to kill him for my unnecessary concern. To think, I bring the bastard cookies and milk to brighten up his day. The least he can do is let me know he's okay!

Freitag, Februar 10, 2006

Life is just fucking CHOCKFULL of surprises.

Special thanks to my twin, Vivian, for helping me out during my walk of shame. Talk about a down ass chick.

Mittwoch, Februar 01, 2006

Today six people said, "Echt (really)?" to me. I didn't know I spoke in such a way that everything that comes out of my mouth sounds unbelievable.