Sonntag, Februar 19, 2006

And this is why Australia is my favorite country.

Heath Ledger, Russell Crowe

"Adventure" is your middle

name, and a rugged Australian guy is just the

person to give it to you. Sure, the

relationship is important, but you love the

thrill of the chase just as much. Toying with

them, playing hard-to-get, throwing yourself

at them - there are so many different ways to

go! And once in the relationship itself,

there's never a dull moment. You need that

spice in your life and if a guy can't give it

to you, you're gone, off to meet a new

potential suitor at the local rock climbing

wall or bungee jumping team.

Which Nationality of Guy Should You Date?
brought to you by Quizilla


Blogger kate said...

I got that one too! no fun

7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

i got italian! i knew i was going wrong with the mexican ones!

3:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

I got American! lol

1:58 PM  

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