Mittwoch, März 08, 2006

These plastered pics of Jake Gyllenhaal just make me love him even more. I'd party with him any day.


Blogger MidnightMadness said...

Do you have a secret that you want to tell but dont dare to? Whatever it is it can be in my new book . All secrets remain anonymous! make up an annonymous name that only you will recognize, write your secret under a 1,000 words. Sign your secret letter with you anonymous name,age, and city/state you are from. mail it to, p.o. box 389243 Cincinnati, Ohio 45238. Do not use your real name or anyone else's real name. This includes names of busnisses, do not put a return address on your envelope! These will not be used! All letters must be received by July 1st 2006. Tell everyone you know who may also be interested. After I receieve your name I will post it on my site at in mid March. This will let you know I have it. Look for the book titled "Sssshhhh, It's a secret" subtitled "Confessions of the soul" in 2007. Thanks in advance!

4:40 PM  

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