Mittwoch, April 26, 2006

I just woke up from a nap. I had a dream that all my friends were in my room and I wanted to play "Bring it all to me" by Blaque and *NSYNC. I even printed out the lyrics for me and my friends to sing and everything! Somehow, I lost control of the mouse and highlighted some other song and moved it on top of "Bring it all to me" which resulted in some weird remix of boths songs for like 30 seconds. I was a little bummed but still had hope that the rest of the song would play but alas, it was some COMPLETELY DIFFERENT song. It was as if my iTunes had something against me and was doing everything in its power to prevent me from musical bliss. So now I'm awake and I've got the song on repeat. I am currently on play #5. TAKE THAT, iTUNES! I RULE!

oh yeah, here are the two and only pictures I have from Monday's Welcome Party. Both of them containing my favorite buddy, Kristian.