Dienstag, August 16, 2005

playing: Journey- Don't Stop Believin'

Today has been pretty rough. My bank in the US is giving me all kinds of grief. I want to punch someone. I've wasted all these minutes on my phone. As if all those other calls I made last week weren't bad enough. Moreover, I wasted time. An hour of my life I will NEVER get back.

As if that wasn't bad enough, Dietmar, the guy I bought a bike from, asked me for 60 euros instead of 50 because he worked on it for a really long time. Whatever though, I don't have the heart to say no to Fahrradman (bikeman).

I had a dream that I got into the second highest language class, which is called ILP (intensive language program). Guess what! I did. Yeah, I'm thinking of starting my own psychic hotline to make some dough on the side. Well, okay, so there are only three levels but still.

I'm taking this whole "break" thing a little harder than I thought. I mean, it's not affecting my performance in ILP. I'd do shitty there under ANY circumstance. haha It's just sometimes I wanna say, "What the hell are we doing? This is SO STUPID."

In other news, tomorrow we are going to Ikea! I'm not sure what I'm going to buy yet but we shall see. Then later we're going out at night for some debauchery partaking. It'll be quite a doozy showing up to ILP hungover. I can barely stay awake in there sober. =(

Well, I told myself I'd get up early to ride my bike around and do homework so the dicking around stops now. Hope everyone is doing well. I miss you all and wish you were here to wear thick northface jackets with scarves and gloves with me in the summer!